Gas Fire Pit Drainage

What is the purpose of gas fire pit drainage for your enclosure?

In HPC Fire Inspired™ last Tech Talk we talked about Ventilation, today we are going to talk about Drainage and how it goes hand in hand with Ventilation. The sole reason for proper drainage is to avoid water/moisture accumulating in the fire pit enclosure.

There are two points (1 critical, 1 highly recommended) that HPC would like to emphasize in regards to proper fire pit enclosure drainage:

  1. In any fire pit enclosure installation it is critical that the valve box be installed above grade
  2. HPC highly recommends that a floor drain be installed on your fire pit enclosure
    • If no floor drain installed, then the ventilation openings should go all the way down to the ground so that the moisture has a chance to escape the enclosure

When you are selecting your fire pit inserts there are two things that HPC highly recommends as well:

  • The pan and burner installed in your enclosure should have weep holes

successful fire pit enclosure drainage system would look like this:

  1. The burner would have weep holes that allows water to drain into the pan
  2. The pan would have weep holes that allows the water to drain into the enclosure
  3. The enclosure would have either a floor drain or ventilation that extends down to the ground to allow all water to escape

While HPC cannot guarantee that item #3 will be followed (this would be on designer/installer), our focus on safety drives our product innovation focused on #1 and #2.Here is an example of our Penta burner: