Spring Means Fire Pit Season!

Spring is here and at HPC Fire Inspired, that means fire pit season has begun. In this week Tech-Talk we are going to go over some key maintenance steps to consider before lighting up your HPC Fire Inspired fire feature for the first time this season.
Remove all covers that have been used during the winter months. These covers may be stainless steel vinyl or even aluminum. Covering your HPC Fire Inspired fire feature during the winter or during times of limited use is highly recommended and will keep your fire feature safe from the elements when not in use. If you don’t cover the fire feature, consider purchasing a cover, as it is the simplest and easiest way to maintain your fire feature. HPC Fire Inspired has many choices for fire pit covers at hpcfire.com.

Cleaning and Inspection
Be sure to remove any debris like leaves and twigs. Make sure the enclosure ventilation openings are not covered with debris. Look for any standing water that may be retained in the pan. If there is excessive water in the pan, then there may be a drainage issue with the pan weep holes. Locate the ¼” weep holes in the pan and ensure they are not clogged with dirt and debris. Also check the enclosure drainage. Be sure the enclosure itself is not full of water. Any water drainage issue discovered must be addressed before proceeding with fire up of the unit. This also a good time to remove the fire pit media and clean it if there is excessive sooting of logs and other decorative features. Simply wash them in a bucket of warm mild soapy water and use a soft brush if you need to.
Valves and Controls
Inspect all decorative key valves and gas line shut off valves. Ensure they were turned off for the season. Make sure all valves move closed to open with minimum resistance. If you have an electronic ignition and have run power to the fire pit, make sure the breaker is turned on. Inspect the GFCI the unit is plugged into and make sure it has not tripped. Make sure any manual valves like the Push Button Flame Sensing (FPPK) can operate freely and the valve knob can engage pilot position properly. Replace the battery for the spark igniter on your FPPK unit, by rotating the button counterclockwise until the button is removed exposing the AA battery.
Lighting The Unit
After all the inspections and some simple maintenance has been performed it is ready to fire up your HPC Fire Inspired unit for the first time of the season. For match-lit units make sure the gas line service valve is in the open position and you have the key for the valve inserted and seated properly, light your wand lighter and place it over the burner while you slowly open the key valve with your other hand. Fore the Push Button Flame Sensing unit or FPPK unit make sure the service valve in in the open position. At the FPPK face plate turn the valve knob to the pilot position and push the valve knob all the way in, this will allow gas to flow to the pilot head. While the valve knob is pushed in press the spark igniter button and keep it pushed in. This will provide a spark at the pilot head to ignite the pilot gas. This may take a couple of minutes because the gas line has been turned off and some air may have to be purged through the pilot head first. One the pilot flame ignites you can release the igniter button but keep the valve knob pushed in warm the thermocouple up to operating conditions. This will usually take about 10 – 15 seconds. You can now release the valve control knob and the pilot will stay lit. Turn the valve control knob counterclockwise from the pilot position to lit the burner. Fore electronic Ignition simply turn the wall switch on, use the RF remote for the ON/OFF units or use the remote and smartphone app for the HI/LO units and the unit will automatically go through its ignition sequence. No matter what the ignition system you have, once the unit is up and running, let it run for about 45 minutes to make sure flame pattern and flame height are consistent.

Issues Problems and Concerns
Most minor problems are discovered during a first season fire off. If you think your unit has a problem or the unit is not functioning as it should be, remember HPC Fire Inspired is here to help. We have the best warranty in the industry and a full technical department and customer service group to help you with any issue that may arise with your unit.
These simple and easy maintenance tips will ensure a memorable fire pit season. If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call.
Get connected with a local dealer to purchase your design. Need assistance curating your design contact the HPC Fire Inspired Team at 937-436-9800. Utilize our experts to assist in selecting your design through the point of installation.