HPC Fire Inspired gas-fired fire pits are becoming increasingly popular in commercial settings such as restaurants and bars and in the hospitality market such as hotels, resorts, and event spaces. HPC’s Signature Designs offer ambiance, warmth, and are a focal point for social gatherings, enhancing the overall customer experience. Incorporating gas-fired appliances into commercial environments requires thoughtful consideration to ensure safety, compliance, and operational efficiency. This article explores these critical actions and outlines the steps to successfully integrate an HPC gas-fired fire pit into commercial settings.

Regulatory Compliance and Certification


Commercial establishments must adhere to stringent

local, state, and national regulations regarding the installation and operation of gas-fired fire pits. These regulations often encompass safety standards, fuel supply, ventilation, and emissions, which can vary significantly across jurisdictions.

Action Steps:

Research Local Codes and Consult with Local professionals prior to installation. By thoroughly researching and understanding the local building codes and fire safety regulations one can properly prepare the installation site.

Obtain Necessary Permits: Secure all necessary permits and coordinate proper inspections. This may include fire department approvals, health and safety inspections, as well as environmental assessments.

Certified Equipment: Use fire pits and components that are certified by recognized testing laboratories such as UL (Underwriters Laboratories) or CSA (Canadian Standards Association). These certifications indicate compliance with established safety standards. Be sure to select a certified fire pit as an appliance rather than its components, this allows for complete drawings and precise installation instructions from the manufacturer which can help with submittals for your local building officials. These drawings, installation instructions, and certificates of compliance allow the building officials to research and understand the fire appliance being installed and inspected.

Safety and Risk Management


HPC Fire Inspired is built on safety and innovation and just like any business, ensuring the safety of patrons and staff is paramount. Risks can include gas leaks, accidental burns, and potential fire hazards, which can lead to serious accidents and liability issues. Managing these risks with some simple safety solutions will dramatically reduce the risk and liability for guests and customers.

Action Steps:

Professional Installation: Hire licensed professionals to install the gas lines and fire pit components. Proper installation is critical to prevent leaks and ensure safe operation. Confer with professional electricians to wire safety features and consult with certified gas contractors to verify proper gas line sizing and installation.

Safety Features: Integrate safety features such as flame sensing, gas line shut-off valves, emergency stop buttons and timers. These features can quickly address any issues that arise during operation. Be sure to use caution and safety plaques around the fire feature. Provide clear operational instructions for guests to safely operate the fire feature.

Regular Maintenance: Implement a routine maintenance schedule to inspect gas lines, burners, and other components. Regular maintenance helps identify and rectify potential issues before they become serious