How to Make Money Through the Winter in the Outdoor and Pool Industries

In the Hardscape and Pool industries, winter marks the slow season in many parts of the U.S. and Canada, but there are still countless professional opportunities to pursue. Take this time to catch up with residents and company owners you have done business with in the past. Determine if there are changes needed for the initial design: have they found that the patio is a too small? Should it be extended when the warmer weather hits? Have they found that they want to add a water or fire feature to the existing pool? More plants? TK Torches? Pursuing these opportunities during the winter gives you the ability to price out the materials needed, often buying them at discounted prices, increasing your revenue for the next year, and booking jobs for the upcoming year, as well as giving the customer time to put aside the money for the job.

The touchpoint (call, email, letter, Christmas card, etc.) should not be a hard sale style, but more along the lines of wanting to re-connect. Keeping your company’s name and brand in front of your client increases their customer loyalty to you and makes it harder for a competitor to swoop in and steal the customer. Furthermore, it shows the attention to detail taken by your company in customer service and project management, making sure everything still suits the needs of the build.

What is the easiest way to do this? If your files show the names of the client, the project, and hopefully notes like kid’s names, favorite food, hobbies, and interests, etc… then you have all the data you need. Keep in mind that the more personalized the message is, the more it shows your concern for the family or company that you completed the work for and that you are attentive to their needs. If they’re interested in vinyl blues albums, send them one. If their kid or grandchild is having a birthday and is a huge Detroit fan, send them a puck or a ball with the team’s logo on it. This small touchpoint cost less than $10 to achieve but is incredibly influential in the both client and community’s perception of your business.

Whether it’s hardscapes, grills, pools, or fire pits, the outdoor industry is all about added value. That’s what this winter should be about. The added value you can bring to former customers in establishing yourself as the regional expert increases their appreciation for your work, and ultimately your company and its revenue.

To sum up how to make money through the winter in 4 Easy Steps:

  1. Reconnect – Go through your old completed projects and send them a reminder of you and the work you have done for them.
  2. Engage – See how the build is suiting their needs now and really listen to what they are saying.
  3. Ask – If they have stopped using the pool, why? Does it need a face-lift? Is it too much upkeep?
  4. Implement – Come up with a plan to fix any issues that they are having and finish it when the weather is warmer.
How to Make Money Through the Winter in the Outdoor and Pool Industries