3 Easy Steps to a Great Fire Pit Design

It’s Opening Day, which means Spring is upon us. You have probably been looking at home improvement ideas and were gearing up to complete them all Winter. If you are looking into an outdoor fire pit or an outdoor fire feature, there are some key design points to consider.

Before deciding on a fire pit design, choose your fuel and the atmosphere you want to foster. There are pros and cons to all fuel types that are outlined below.


Pros – Wood burning fire pits are cheap, easy, and effective if you are hunting for warmth. They beat all gas burning fire pits on heat, hands down.

Cons – They produce smoke and embers that can cause fires outside of the fire pit, and the smell stays in hair and on clothes till they are washed. This is actually the least environmentally friendly fuel source for these reasons. You will also have to cut the wood yourself and the outdoor fire pit will also need to be cleaned out regularly to remove the ash.

Liquid Propane (LP)

Pros – LP is a very effective fuel source and can be found almost anywhere for sale. It allows for mobility, as LP comes in tanks that will allow you to move your fire pit if desired.

Cons – It is the most expensive of the fuel choices coming in at about 5X the price of natural gas, and you have to cut wood yourself, losing valuable time. This fuel source also creates small quantities of soot, enough to cover your media and require periodic cleaning of the pit and media. If you are using a smaller LP tank you’ll limit the size of the fire pit you can install, and if you hook it to a large fire pit, you’ll freeze your tank up.

Natural Gas (NG)

Pros – Natural Gas is the cheapest and cleanest of the 3 fuel sources and is readily available in most cites. It burns great without producing excessive amounts of soot.

Cons – This gas source will have to be connected to the house NG system, making a mobile fire pit impractical. This step will also need to be completed by a licensed plumber.


The utmost important question when choosing a location is safety. Make sure the fire pit has no hanging branches, debris, dry plants, or grass around it. Using a hardscape around the fire pit is a good idea for both safety and aesthetics. It can draw the eye and make the area a defined space for relaxing or hanging out with friends.


Whether you are using a complete fire pit insert or a wood-burning fire pit, think through your fire pit design. Do you want it to match the landscape around it, or should it stand alone? How done-up or toned down should the design be?

Whatever you choose, have an idea of what you want the finished fire pit design to look like before you start. The size and shape of the fire pit will follow the design you have in your head. Keep these points in mind and have fun designing your backyard living space! You’ll be cooking s’mores and watching baseball games in the comfort of your back yard in no time.

fire pit design