10 Things to Know Before Installing a Gas Burning Fire Pit

Debating on installing a gas burning fire feature? HPC Fire Inspired is here for all your fire feature needs. The expansion of an outdoor living space is a great investment into one’s home. One of the many ways to enhance the use of one’s outdoor living space is to utilize a fire feature as a focal point in the design scheme. Planning your installation is critical and will help avoid common mistakes. Here are HPC Fire Inspired’s top 10 things to know when planning to install a fire feature.

1. Local Regulations

Confirm regulations and standards by checking with your local building officials, homeowners’ association, and municipalities in your area. There may be specific codes or regulations regarding the installation of a gas burning Fire Pit. In addition, such projects may require securing permits for work, as well as inspections by local authorities

2. Location, Location, Location

Survey your desired installation site and choose a suitable location for your gas fire feature. Be sure it is located away from flammable materials, overhanging vegetation and structures that could present fire hazards. Be sure to adhere to manufacturers’ clearances for installation keeping in mind that the larger the fire pit the more room you will need to maintain recommended clearances.

3. Fuel Type

Determine the type of gas you will be using to fuel your fire feature. Natural gas is by far the most used, however propane is another viable option. Natural gas units will be supplied by a fixed hard pipe gas line connected to the property’s gas supply. Propane can also be supplied by a fixed hard pipe gas line as well. While small portable propane tanks can be used for the gas supply keep in mind the small gas supply will limit the size and BTU rating of your fire feature.

4. Gas Supply

Determine the gas supply your fire feature will require for optimum performance of the appliance. Appliance gas pressure is critical for proper operation of your new fire feature. Gas line sizing also plays a critical role in the operation of your new fire feature. For instance, if you are connecting to an existing gas line from the house, then that gas line can only deliver a certain volume of gas to the appliance. The same is said for a large tank propane application that is connecting to a hard fixed piping system. If using a portable propane tank, remember this will limit the fuel supply as well as the size of your fire feature. Knowing the required gas pressure will help inform the gas line sizing and ensure your appliance functions optimally.

5. Installation Method

HPC Fire Inspired recommends all of its installations and repairs be done by licensed professionals. If you opt for a DIY installation, be sure you have the necessary skills to and follow all safety guidelines provided by the manufacturer. The DIY route will save money in the short term but may void warranties and hinder any technical help provided by the manufacturer.

6. Ventilation

Adequate ventilation is crucial to the operation of your new fire feature. Proper ventilation is an added layer of safety protection, allowing air to pass below the appliance ventilating trace gases and creating space for excess heat to escape to maintain proper operation temperatures. Failure to incorporate ventilation into your fire pit design will void warranties and cause damage to the fire appliance equipment.

7. Safety Features

Look for safety features on the appliance such as flame sensing, thermal shut down, and pilot assemblies. Be sure the appliance is certified and tested to safety standards by third party labs such as CSA or UL. In the case of a match-lit units, look for low BTU ratings no higher than 65K BTU for the appliance.

8. Safety Precautions

Read and follow all the manufacturers’ installation instructions as well as the owner manuals. Familiarize yourself with the new fire feature and how it operates. Never leave the fire feature unattended. Keep a fire extinguisher on hand. Be sure to review safety precautions with children, family and friends.

9. Accessories

Consider additional accessories such as media type, covers or additional controls. A cover can be the best accessory you can purchase for your fire pit. Covering your unit when it isn’t in use will protect if from the elements and will extend its’ life expectancy.

10.Maintenance and Cleaning

Understanding the basic maintenance requirements of your new gas fire pit will go a long way in protecting your new investment. Gas fire pits are fairly easy to maintain and do not require specialized tools or skills, but you must adhere to the manufacturers’ recommendations and requirements.

Taking into consideration these 10 factors, will better inform your decision around which HPC Fire Design will work best for your desired aesthetic as well as functionality. Remember it is always advisable to consult a professional if you have doubts or concerns during the planning and installation process. HPC Fire Inspired’s safe, reliable designs are guaranteed to create memorable moments with friends and family.

Customer Service

If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call at 937-436-9800. Let our NFI certified technicians provide guidance around all your fire design needs.

Looking to learn more about HPC’s Offerings? Schedule an online or in person training with Chuck Parsons, HPC’s training and education manager.