It’s All About Media
Why Media Matters
Every piece of HPC Fire Inspired appliances are engineered to play a critical role in performance and the role of media is no different. In this Tech Talk, our Certified NFI Tech team would like to highlight the importance of proper selection of media type, application recommendations as well as maintenance.
HPC offers a wide selection of media that will appeal to your desired aesthetic and truly completes a finished look to your design. Gaining a better understanding of the role media plays will empower our customers to think of media beyond just its’ visual aesthetics.
Selection of Media:
Chuck Parsons, Leader of our Certified NFI Team, often fields customer questions about media. Per Chuck, “people often wonder why they can’t use pea gravel or river rock found in nature.” Chuck explains, “ the natural rock retains moisture and the moisture will boil once heated causing a reaction and eventually an explosion.” This is why HPC recommends using our certified media to ensure it is safe for use in fire appliances. If for some reason you choose to obtain media elsewhere be sure it is certified for fire use. Check out HPC’s website under accessories to aid in selecting the the best media for your fire feature.
HPC’s offers a wide selection of media that will appeal to your desired aesthetic. HPC’s Fire Glass comes in ten different color variations and is certified to use in any of our appliances. Unsure of how much fire glass to purchase? Check out HPC’s Glass Calculator at www.HPCFIRE.COM. HPC’s Lava Rock is procured from natural settings and provides a base that increases combustion efficiency. Lava Rock is a great choice for any of our standard burners as it vents easily and creates a low maintenance elevated look. Once Lava Rock is installed HPC recommends seasoning the rock. To do so, set a burn time for approximately 30 minutes. This will allow the naturally occurring moisture to burn away. Our Rolled Lava Rock line is made from basalt material, it is more dense but is smooth and creates a nice contrast. HPC’s Outdoor logs are formed from high performing refractory materials and are cast from actual pieces of wood. This yields a long lasting realistic look. The Log Line can be paired with our Linear or H-burners which creates a classic natural look. When using the fire logs the burner must be covered. Utilizing HPC’s black lava rock is a great pairing to achieve proper functioning while giving it a finished look. When using logs be sure to consider the number of logs based on the size of your unit. For example if you have an 18 inch burner, the 9 piece log set would be a good match. Using too many logs on the unit can cause overheating issues triggering the unit to shut down.

Rolled Lava Rock
When adding approved media be sure to refer to HPC’s installation instructions. Media should be added ensuring that there is full coverage of the burner with the ports being completely covered. When using our fire glass, HPC recommends applying a ¼ to ½ inch layer on top of the burner and the ports. It is imperative to avoid piling too much media on the burner as this will cause issues. For example, when you pile too much fire glass on a burner it makes it difficult for gas to escape. Over applying the media can lead to operation and safety issues. For example when using propane (LP), the gas will not be able to escape and will be forced back into the enclosure causing a build up. In turn, this can cause the unit shut down or can lead to more severe safety issues. In addition, piling on too much media can lead to issues with overheating the unit. For example, if you pile on too much media and cover the blowout box or its vents it can cause the thermocouple to overheat. In turn, the hot and cold junction that is needed to allow the thermocouple to function properly is disrupted removing the energy needed to create the Milivolt. Therefore the power supply is broken and the unit will shut down.This issue can be easily rectified by clearing away media from the blowout box and removing over applied media.
Application of Media to HPC’s Torpedo Burner:
When applying media to HPC’s Torpedo Burner, one must cover the pan as well as the burner. However, the port nozzles must be exposed. HPC’s fire glass is a perfect match and creates a finished look to the design. Choosing larger sized media, such as the lava rock may create pockets or spaces within the material because due to the fact that the port nozzles need to be exposed. This type of gapping does not occur when using the fire glass.

Torpedo Burner
Over the course of time, soot will build a residue on the media. Therefore it is important to cleanse the media occasionally. Our fire logs can simply be brushed off or can be cleaned with soapy water. HPC’s fire glass can be easily removed using a shop vac or by carefully scooping the media in a bucket. Next, gently cleanse the media with soapy water.
Customer Satisfaction:
HPC values quality and safety ensuring that all our of our appliances have been tested to guarantee their reliability and security. Remember, there is more to media than meets the eye. Proper selection and application of media play a crucial role in the performance of your fire appliance. Conduct proper maintenance checks to ensure the functionality and longevity of your fire appliance. If you have any further questions or concerns, reach out to HPC’s Certified NFI Tech Team at 937-436-9800. Our team is ready to support your every need.