HPC Trouble Shooting Codes: Accessing The Electronic Ignition Codes
John Ruskin, a writer and philosopher, once said: “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.” HPC is dedicated to creating safe, quality outdoor appliances. At every turn, HPC invests in quality from the products conception in the Research and Design department to the manufacturing stage. HPC takes extra care to ensure that each appliance functions optimally. Our quality assurance team tests each design to ensure it is ready for our consumer’s hands. As an added layer of quality HPC builds technological systems that ensure customer satisfaction. HPC’s Electronic Ignition System is equipped with an LED display which relays flash codes to indicate if there is an issue that requires service. This Tech Talk is dedicated to aiding customers in gaining a greater understanding of their fire appliance. HPC customers will be empowered, knowing how to access the code system as well as how to decipher the error messages to best rectify the issue.
Differences between On/Off and Hi/Lo:
Locating the system is slightly different on the On/Off and Hi/Lo models. To locate the trouble shooting system within an On/Off unit one must look directly inside of the control module. The LED light is located next to the fuse and inside the valve box. The Hi/Lo model offers several options to locate the codes. One may access the codes directly on the provided remote. In addition, the Hi/Lo model can be synced with HPC’s Bluetooth app. The app outlines the codes as well as provides action steps to rectify the issues.

In the event that an issue arises with your fire unit, HPC recommends initially shutting the unit down to reset the appliance. Next, the power to the unit can be reinstated. There will a set of flashes that will correspond with potential issues, possible causes as well as potential solutions to correct the concern. As the unit is scanning for concerns, it initially will check the module. If the module is ok the light will only blink once. The thermocouple will be scanned next, once that is cleared the sensor will check for continuity in the unit.
The most often occurring codes are 3, 8, 9 and 6. Be sure to review HPC’s troubleshooting chart to assist in identifying and rectifying the issues. 3 flash codes indicate an issue with the thermocouple. There can be a loose thermocouple at the valve box and to correct the issue one can tighten it down. 8 flash codes indicate that there is a disruption between the unit and the power device, either the remote or the app. In this instance, most likely once the unit is synced again the issue will be alleviated. If a 9 code occurs there may be an issue with the antenna which disrupts communication with the unit. It may be as simple as ensuring that the antennae is secured properly or is not obstructed by anything. A 6 flash code indicates an open igniter problem. In this instance, the igniter will not light. This indicates that there is an open circuit somewhere and the wires are not properly connected. For more on the codes check out HPC’s Troubleshooting chart. Have further questions, reach out to HPC’s certified NFI team and they will walk you through the resolution process. In addition, check out HPC’s BUILT 3D Installation and Trouble Shooting Guide. It is an interactive app that visually guides the installer or field technician through the process of installation as well as proper steps to servicing the gas fire appliances. This free app, works on any smart phone or tablet.

Customer Service:
HPC’s quality control team prides itself on a less than 1% rejection rate due to any faulty findings with our appliances. Any device that does not meet HPC and CSA standards will be reviewed by quality control to detect the issue and ensure that it is rectified before it is shipped. HPC focuses on quality every step of the way. When an error occurs either due to installation error or misuse, HPC’s troubleshooting codes provide a means to rectify the concern. Experiencing an issue, refer to HPC’s manual as well as our trouble shooting code instructions to assist with installation and servicing tips. Require further assistance, contact our NFI Certified Tech Team at 937-436-9800.