Outdoor Hybrid Ovens
This week HPC Fire Inspired would like to introduce our new outdoor Hybrid Oven. What better way to create memorable moments in your backyard with the ones you love than with the chance to share a meal with them outdoors? Our oven is perfect for homemade pizza, smoking, or with the right accessory even grilling all in one dual-fuel outdoor oven.
Each oven is handcrafted out of formed refractory, polished stainless steel hearth and artisan mosaic glass tile which is available in 6 colors. Simple and easy to use electronic ignition, 120v with battery backup, or simple battery powered. All models are available in natural gas and propane. No stack design makes for a compact design and retains more heat in the oven. The hybrid design allows for both gas-fired cooking and wood-fired cooking, capable of temperatures of up to 2,400 degrees.
HPC Fire Inspired is offering 3 Models for the Hybrid Oven.
The Forno Model, perfect for the backyard. It is Portable and includes the tiled oven, stainless steel hearth, and black powder-coated Cart.
The Villa series is a built-in unit perfect for the outdoor kitchen. The Villa includes the tiled oven, stainless steel hearth, vent, and stainless steel mounting flange.
The Di Napoli series is ready to be installed into your own enclosure with your design. Unit includes unfinished pizza oven, stainless steel hearth, stacked vent, and enamel-coated steel enclosure.
HPC Fire Inspired also has a full line of accessories for the outdoor hybrid oven from stainless steel door, pizza peels, pizza plates, dough sheets, brushes, and vinyl covers, and more to come.